Texas University and College Counseling Centers Conference exists to connect professionals in counseling centers all across Texas as they work to serve students.

Most of the history of this conference is an oral history, despite the longevity of the conference.  The TUCCCC conference was proposed by TUCCC-DA, The Texas University and College Counseling Center Directors Association, who observed that it was helpful to have an avenue for peers doing similar work to share information, improve their services, and understand trends in the field through a yearly conference.  They encouraged a grassroots effort for staff level mental health providers to build a similar conference.

In 2014, planning committee of TUCCCC created a not-for-profit professional organization- TUCCCPA (Texas University and College Counseling Centers Professional Association)- which serves to make the conference more sustainable over time.  However, the TUCCC Conference existed long before it’s host organization.

TUCCCC has traditionally been hosted by an institution in Texas for a minimum of a two year rotation, during which staff from their counseling center as well as a committee of others from counseling centers throughout the state helped develop that year’s conference. At this time planning committee members and host universities are all voluntary. It is a wonderful way to build connection, support and leadership in the college counseling world. We are deeply grateful for the dedication of our hard working mental health providers who choose to make this annual conference what it is today.

TUCCCC has previously been hosted by Trinity University, University of Houston –Clear Lake, Texas State University (7 years), University of Texas at Austin, St. Edward’s University, Texas Christian University, University of North Texas, and most recently Baylor University.

University of Texas at Arlington will be the proud host of the 2024 and 2025 TUCCC Conference! 

TUCCCC Listserv: Join this free listserv to receive regular information about the February conference and have discussions with other Texas counselors during the year. To join the listserv, college and university counseling center professionals can go to https://mailman.baylor.edu/mailman/listinfo/tuccc-conf-l and request to become members.