Texas University and College Counseling Center Conference
“I felt I gained a lot of insight from networking with other counselors. Meeting other counselors who face the same concerns and struggles that I do. I received several great suggestion to implement on my campus.The sessions...helped with some very basic things we as counselors struggle with everyday. ”
“I thought this conference was excellent. The experiential component of some of the sessions was extremely beneficial and impactful. The keynote speaker did a great job speaking on multicultural competence and I believe that the ethics presentation was very helpful as well. I also enjoyed networking with other colleagues.”
“I wanted to come because this is conference represents what I do every day. I attended last year and really enjoyed the workshops and presentations. I decided to go again in order to learn more and present on my interests findings because I felt TUCCCC was a supportive environment to do so.”
“Vulnerability of other professionals and being able to share in an affirming environment. I enjoyed the variety of presentations and the opportunity to be “hands on” and learn new intervention skills. ”